Garden of Palms’ Memory Care Explained
Assisted living facilities in Los Angeles often incorporate Memory Care services for their residents...
Transitioning into assisted living is an important decision. With many seniors wanting to live at home as long as possible, and the challenge of finding an assisted living community which is nicely suited to your needs, the search for an assisted living community may take some time. If you’re in the process of exploring assisted living options in Los Angeles for a family member, you may find yourself having trouble sorting through the different kinds of senior care available. Because there are millions of senior citizens in the United States, each with unique personal needs, senior care has developed into a broad range of personal care services designed to meet these different needs that people develop over time. While the array of care creates an initial challenge for seniors and their families as they identify the best care for their situation, it’s necessary to have a large amount of options to ensure that every person in senior care is safe, healthy, happy, and appropriately cared for.
Most types of senior care are defined by the living arrangements of the people receiving care, and the specific kinds of assistance, help, and personal attention they receive from caregivers.
Assisted living is a subset of senior care in which seniors live in a retirement community. This community will be overseen by care specialists who look after their residents by helping with housework, cleaning, transportation, meals, and anything else that helps residents with their daily routine. The assisted living program at Garden of Palms is tailored to each resident’s needs, and personal care services may include everything from medication management and laundry to our excellent dining program and extensive activities. Assisted living may sometimes be referred to as personal care, personal assistance, or assisted care. All of these identifiers generally refer to a situation in which a person lives in a community of seniors and receives personalized care from a senior care specialist. Some senior communities are identified as residential care homes. These can be very similar to some assisted living communities which provide a very home-like atmosphere with a major emphasis on comfort. In fact, there is a growing trend for retirement communities of all kinds to try to provide residents with living options that are much like home. Whether it’s condos, cozy apartments, or more spacious townhomes, everyone wants to feel as comfortable as they did in their previous homes, and senior living communities are responding by building residences and establishing atmospheres that are more like home. The more attractive, modernized, and upscale assisted living facilities overlap with residential care homes in many ways, and as a result, the terms assisted living facility and residential care home are often used interchangeably, even if there are certain features which differentiate them. If you’re seeking an assisted living facility in Los Angeles that is configured like a residential care home, Garden of Palms provides exactly that.
A significant number of senior citizens develop some form of memory loss, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), alzheimer’s disease, or dementia, during their retirement. In order to effectively help manage and treat memory loss within an assisted living program, some retirement communities have memory care programs in place. In many cases, seniors with memory loss also require other assisted living services, a significant amount of memory care programs are operated as a specialized services within the assisted living sector of a senior care community. Some programs may be promoted as memory care, dementia care, or alzheimer’s care. In most cases all of these memory related issues are treated in a senior memory care program, but the naming of a specific memory related problem can mislead people into assuming that it’s the only issue managed by that specific program. Of course, the exact arrangement of different programs will vary. At Garden of Palms, we’re a senior living community
Our assisted living program is structured in three different care packages, each designed to meet the resident’s needs as they develop. If other help is needed that isn’t included in one of the care packages, we customize your care plan to include anything that is needed. In short, whatever care is needed is provided so that everyone at Garden of Palms is happy, healthy, and safe. We’re here to provide caring and compassionate assisted living services using expert senior care professionals in one of the best senior communities in Los Angeles. We understand your search for the right assisted living community for you is challenging. To help make your decision, we invite you to tour our facility, meet our staff, and see if Garden of Palms is the right senior community for you. If you’re not currently in the Los Angeles area, please request a brochure or contact us for more information.
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