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High Holy Days, Customs and Traditions at Jewish Assisted Living Facilities in Los Angeles

by Garden of Palms

As Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are to be celebrated in these upcoming days, we’d like to wish you and your loved one’s Shanah tovah! With the blowing of the shofar reminding us to reflect on the year past, and look forward to the year ahead, we grasp the importance of tradition and customs to us as we grow older. We also understand that you may be considering an assisted living facility in Los Angeles, and would like to celebrate holidays and traditions as you are accustomed to. Here at Garden of Palms assisted living los angeles, we recognize this and work to accommodate our clients, and their families, to maintain the customs they are familiar with. 

assisted living facility in Los Angeles

Of course, just as many other Jewish holidays, Rosh Hashanah is celebrated with specific foods representing their beliefs. On Erev Rosh HaShanah (the night the holiday begins), prayers are recited which include the Kiddush (blessing over wine) and HaMotzi (the blessing over bread) as usual. But the challah is round, rather than the oblong loaf eaten during the rest of the year. There are several possible explanations for this specific custom. One is that the round shape reflects the ongoing cycle of years and seasons. Another is that the round challah reminds us that the opportunity for t'shuvah is always available.. Another common interpretation is that the round challah resembles a crown, symbolizing the sovereignty of God. This theme is prevalent during the High Holy Days.

For centuries, jewish people have commonly eaten apples – as well as grapes, and other fruits – dipped in honey. This is to symbolize the hope for sweetness and blessings in the upcoming year. Some families also enjoy a pomegranate as a treat before the meal as the number of seeds in the pomegranate reflects the number of good deeds you will do in the coming year, according to an ancient belief. The chefs, and culinary staff, at our beautiful assisted living facility make sure they have an abundance of these delicious foods to help the celebration maintain its cultural importance.

assisted living los angeles

The 10 day celebration following Rosh Hashanah commences on Yom Kippur, the day of atonement. It is considered the holiest day of the Jewish Year. Healthy adults are commanded to refrain from eating and drinking from sunset to sunset to remind us of the frailty of the human body and our own mortality. Yom Kippur also encourages families to pause and really be in the moment, spending time together and reflecting about what our loved one’s mean to us. If you, or a loved one, is suffering from dementia or memory loss, such reflection may find us wondering what we can do to help that loved one to have a better quality of life. And while it's not easy to make a decision regarding the assisted living facilities, we firmly believe that when you pay a visit to the Garden of Palms that decision will be much less difficult. 

Here at Garden of Palms, we consider the needs of each individual client, as well as their families. We take pride in being an assisted living facility that understands the importance of customs, traditions, and culture. Individuals suffering with dementia, Alzheimer's, or other cognitive decline deserve a compassionate staff to reinforce the traditions and customs the client is used to celebrating. It can be very rewarding to see our clients and their families share some stories regarding past celebrations and traditions. It’s also our hope, and privilege, to have the opportunity to be a part of future celebrations shared with family and other residents here at our assisted living facility, Garden of Palms. Here's another article you may be interested in.

At the conclusion of Yom Kippur, the celebration can begin and we can break-the-fast in forgiveness of sins of the previous year. It is understood; we can start anew. We welcome any inquiries regarding a visit and tour of our assisted living facility.  Please afford us the opportunity to introduce you to our staff and residents, show you the comfortable living quarters, and answer any and all questions you may have about Garden of Palms; the perfect assisted living facility in Los Angeles you have been searching for. Contact us today for an appointment. Again, Shanah tovah!

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(424) 239-5051