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What Is The Right Age To Join An Assisted Living Facility?

by Garden of Palms

Making important decisions in life can be disconcerting, and some decisions need to be thoroughly deliberated before taking action; entering an assisted living facility is a momentous decision, and along with deciding on a facility, there are many other variables that need to be addressed. Senior adults can benefit from assisted living facilities since they include essential services and care needed by aging adults.

Garden Of Palms assisted living facilities in Los Angeles have everything senior adults need and we can help you make the right decision. If you are wondering what the right age to join an assisted living facility is, remember that there is no predetermined number, it varies from circumstance to circumstance. This article will cover all of these various aspects and includes age and other factors to consider before joining an assisted living facility.

Retirement home in Los Angeles

If you think joining an assisted living facility after turning 65 is too soon, then you might be missing out. Senior adults can reap these benefits wholeheartedly if they join earlier than people normally do. Moving to our assisted living facility can unlock doors to enduring happiness, an enhanced social life, and increased fulfillment of one’s being. It's a new phase of life, and it should be the best one; Garden Of Palms makes this all possible. We have senior residents from all around the world who joined our assisted living facility in Los Angeles at an earlier age and are very happy to have made that decision, mainly because they started a new life and reaped the benefits of our assisted living facility in comparison to those who waited to join our community.

The residents at our assisted living facility had a choice on where they wanted to live and they picked us. They are absolutely satisfied with the services offered by us. Life took an interesting turn after making the important decision to join our community at Garden Of Palms. Their regular routine, daily interactions, and very quality of life dramatically changed after joining us. Our Retirement home in Los Angeles has also been the right pick for all senior residents, primarily because their quality of life has never been compromised.

You may have the wrong impression of assisted living facilities but remember that it's a place for a modern generation. Our assisted living facility is equipped with the most modern equipment. Health and fitness are given utmost priority. At Garden Of Palms assisted living facility, we offer comprehensive exercise routines programs for all.

Our active adults feel healthy and vibrant. Also exploring new activities and discovering new passions that they may have not realized before.

Furthermore, diet and nutrition are a high priority here. Diet is a major component of overall health and wellness of an individual. This is why our renowned chefs at Garden Of Palms prepare nourishing meals tailored to our residents special dietary requirements.

How to know if it's the right time to join an assisted living facility

A drastic change in daily activities and significant time spent in isolation are unhealthy habits. If you live far away from your loved ones, you might need someone to help you accomplish your daily regiment. This is what assisted living facilities are for, and we, as a well-established organization invest all our time in assistance to senior adults with the essential care and support. Below are some psychological and practical signs that indicate if you need to live in an assisted living facility or not.

  • Increased aggressiveness
  • Inability to cook due to health problems
  • Inability to shower
  • Feeling negative emotions perpetually like loneliness, extreme boredom, overthinking, and depression.
  • A deep longing to socialize

At Garden Of Palms, the mentioned signs will be dispatched as we offer services, health care, and support like no other.

Factors to consider before joining an assisted living facility

A senior adult has all the right to live their life to the fullest and experience real fulfillment; at Garden Of Palms assisted living facility, we have everything to accomodate an individual’s crucial expectations and requirements.

Customer Reviews:

Honest reviews and customer feedback must be referred to before finalizing. If you are concerned about age-related factors, you should look for reviews that were made by senior adults within your age. On our website, you can visit the testimonial section to see how satisfied our residents are. If you still are feeling unsure, you can always visit our community and see it in person. Touring the facility and meeting our staff and residents that are giving you reservations.

Garden Of Palms assisted living facilities

Services offered:

Your expectations and requirements should match up to the services offered; if you have specific requirements, do ensure it gets fulfilled make no comprises; Garden Of PalmsLos Angeles assisted living facility offers a broad range of services from nutrition, diet, external facilities, events, trips, and wellness programs; we have it all covered. You won't have to look for an Assisted living memory care near you as we have that included as well, and lastly, you will be socializing with countless people in your age group.

Pricing policies:

Monetary factors and a set budget should match up to your financial requirements. The services and facilities we offer at Garden Of Palms are reasonably priced to fulfill specific individual requirements. Discounts and other reductions are offered to all senior adults; select a scheme that perfectly matches all your requirements.

Thorough research:

There's a wide range of options available; proceed in accordance with location and other factors.


No matter what your age is, your willingness and your present living conditions determine whether going to an assisted living facility is a viable option or not. Unnecessary delays will lead to nothing significant, but there's no point in postponing a new journey at Garden Of Palms that promises and secures highly fulfilling outcomes. The overall quality of your life and your happiness are of the most importance to us at Garden Of Palms. Our organization takes all necessary measures to fulfil the essential requirements of our residents.

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1025 North Fairfax Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90046

(424) 239-5051