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Assisted Living: How Prioritizing Important Tasks Early in the Day Helps Build an Efficient Daily Routine

by Garden of Palms

Assisted Living: How Prioritizing Important Tasks Early in the Day Helps Build an Efficient Daily Routine


Creating a regular and efficient daily routine is beneficial at any age, but especially during retirement. Leaving your 9-5 can result in too little structure and increased anxiety. It’s common to feel like your life is suddenly upside-down after such a major transition, and it can be tempting to put off important tasks until later due to the abundance of free time.  

As an assisted living community in Los Angeles, Garden of Palms knows the value of a well-planned schedule. In this article, we’ll explore how taking care of tasks earlier in your day, rather than later, can contribute to a more efficient daily routine.

Assisted Living: How Prioritizing Important Tasks Early in the Day Helps Build an Efficient Daily Routine


The Benefits of Avoiding Procrastination


It’s best to schedule things ahead of time to reduce uncertainty and maximize your efficiency, no matter what your routine looks like. One of the biggest benefits of having a routine is that it creates daily habits. Activities become much less cognitively demanding once they become habits, and this means your routine will free up mental energy for more enjoyable activities.


Even if you have a lot of free time, you’ll feel better if you take care of important tasks first thing in the morning and get them off your plate. Errands such as grocery shopping, paying bills, and cleaning are often done for you in an assisted living community, but if you’re handling them yourself, aiming to do them as early as possible ensures that you have the rest of the day to do as you please.


Scheduling important duties earlier in the day takes advantage of morning energy and sets you up to be successful. This type of routine ensures that you won’t run out of energy before getting things done, nor will you end the day feeling unaccomplished or unproductive.

Upon leaving the workforce, it’s easy to fall into a rut or lose track of time. But with an efficient routine that schedules important errands in the morning, you’ll never forget what needs to be done.




Creating an efficient routine is easier than ever, thanks to the abundance of apps and programs meant to emulate the traditional planner. Even if you prefer a physical calendar to keep yourself organized, it’s just as effective as any digital option.


Garden of Palms is an upscale senior living community providing assisted living services. We provide a careful balance of routine with variety to ensure that our residents have an ideal amount of structure and interest in their daily lives. For more information, or to see an example of our monthly calendar, click here.